
What can be recycled?

Among household waste, the following are particularly suitable for recycling:

Mechanical recycling

What is mechanical recycling?

This type of recycling mainly uses mechanical processing methods such as flotation separation, segregation, shredding, and in the final stage, regranulation to obtain regranulate (recyclate). The granules formed in this way can be reused as raw material for making new plastic products.

Mechanical Recycling

How many times can the mechanical recycling process be repeated?

This process has its limitations and plastic waste cannot be recycled an infinite number of times. Each time recycling is carried out, it leads to a slow decline in the quality of the obtained regranulate (recyclate) in terms of mechanical parameters (material flow, strength, etc.) as well as visual qualities, which is important for packaging, which additionally has to meet high standards for contact with food.

Mechanical and chemical recycling

The difference between mechanical and chemical recycling.

Existing limitations in the repetitive use of mechanical recycling lead to downcycling. Chemical recycling, on the other hand, makes use of mixed or soiled plastic waste that would be difficult to recycle mechanically. This yields the basic compounds necessary for the production of the original plastics, identical to those produced from oil or gas.


Does it make sense to sort waste?

Yes, sorting waste makes sense and has numerous environmental and social benefits.

Here are some reasons why sorting waste is important:

In conclusion, sorting waste is an important step toward protecting the environment, saving raw materials and reducing the negative impact of waste on the planet. Therefore, it is worthwhile to actively participate in the process of waste segregation and comply with waste management regulations.

Mechanical and chemical recycling

Does the garbage truck segregate garbage?

One of the common misconceptions about waste segregation is to think that once the different fractions are separately collected into their respective bins, everything gets mixed in one garbage truck anyway. The reality is definitely different!
Modern vehicles designed to pick up segregated waste are equipped with baffles into which the different fractions go separately. Another solution is also to collect different categories of waste with separate garbage trucks.

However, if you notice that someone is breaking the law by taking away waste with a single-compartment garbage truck, be sure to report it to the Municipality! Let’s not be indifferent to breaking the law, endangering the environment and our planet in the process🌍

Municipal waste

Is construction waste municipal waste?

Construction waste is usually not considered municipal waste. Municipal waste is a general category of waste that is generated by the daily activities of residents, such as household waste, packaging, food scraps, etc.

Construction waste is materials and waste generated during construction, renovation or demolition processes. These may include fractions such as rubble, wood, metal, ceramics, concrete, insulation, etc. Construction waste is usually more specific and requires separate treatment and disposal than municipal waste.

Therefore, construction and municipal waste should be collected and processed separately. In many regions, there are special places, such as construction waste collection points, where these materials can be turned in for proper disposal or recycling.

It’s a good idea to check local regulations and waste separation guidelines in your area to find out how to properly handle construction waste and what disposal options are available.

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